Cat Parade

Cat Parade1 (1).jpg

…but just like a cat, he walks away.

I almost caught the big one..but like all big ones, it got away.
It balanced on my sleep frontier, my emptied thoughts, my break of day.
Just as I reached for it, to capture everything it tried to say
It floomed, dissolving into plumes of vanishing dreams to my dismay.

The message was a little weird, but someone tried to make it known,
There’d be an announcement on the meaning of Life;
said the truth will come through my smartphone.

I think it said, the world was to be reset and 2 billion souls could watch it all alone.
At 5pm on such and such a day, snap would go the infinite cosmic wishbone.

I recite the idea to my cat, but just like a cat, he walks away.
Would I nurture thoughts like these at sometime later in the day?
Is surreal soup, all I could bring back from night’s unconscious escapade?
Where wisdom turns milk into silk and cat’s forsake the lapping to parade?

The workplace flashes through my mind, has it survived the fluxion?
What about compassion and truthfulness, not just the flowcharts of reduction?
Am I blameless, just a bystander at these crossroads of reconstruction?
Well, it’s easy for me, I just report to them, at Systems Self Destruction.

I ask a stewardess dressed in kilts, how’s the reset going in the Middle East?
She says, “Oh I’m sorry, it’s not coming back that part of the world has ceased.”
Speechless, I try to form question- words about how? and what do you mean?
Is everyone deceased?

But all that just made sense, makes none, except for now… I’m waking up at least.

*Footnote: I still can’t control my dreams and I have no idea what they mean:)
Karima Hoisan
July 1, 2016
Costa Rica

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5 Responses to Cat Parade

  1. daleinnis says:

    A lovely capture of the confusion and almost-symbolism, waking up from a strange dream. (Also lots of great words; flooming fluxion! forsake the lapping to parade)


  2. Dreams can be so all-mixed-up, but then if you tell them to someone, or try to make a poem out of them their hidden mystery sometimes is revealed. Glad you enjoyed my attempt Dale, and I liked “floomed” too. I see it as a gliding almost squid like movement, but maybe with feathers:)


  3. ronald174 says:

    Wowie. Symbolic…nawww. Can’t be. You open doors in your sleep-state that peer into and over literal and symbolic realities. I like “floomed” too. Should be a word. Your compassionate and on-alert guardian is certain pending destruction should be reported to someone who can do something to stop it-the Systems Self Destruction. Maybe. Add into the very real fears about the Middle East and it’s “never coming back”. Massive evil has in fact overwhelmed the world and even Jordan has had problems. There are indeed factual “crossroads” occurring. Which way will things fall? Seems to be a dice throw. Think your dream was a “little weird”? Everything now seems to be pretty weird.

    I think the message of the dream is essentially you see what is…what might be….and you cry to reach out to stop it or put things aright. And, you are quite right-all souls on Earth are indeed involved. And yes-it is up in the air. Which nutcase will triumph? Which peace could happen? Interestingly enough- I think your Smartphone allusion is on target. If anything can stem the tide of self destruction-it may be social media-one person connecting directly with another. This layer of communication runs under all state-controlled media and connects hearts to hearts. Not unlike your works. If anything can save us-maybe it is all of us rising up in connection to stop violence and destruction. With greater effectiveness than all the formal press’ combined. And, I think your “workplace” is really the worlds you write about, ruminate on, and generally worry about. Your great gift as a poet is the amalgam of truth, fear, horror, and salvation. Is anyone out there listening??? We are blessed to have your amazing word crafting skills. You do your parents proud.


    • Wow Ron, what a comment! First of all, and I really am not sure why, you have always had such an insight and such an amazing way of expressing it, when it comes to what you see in my poetry,my prose, well everything I create. This has been going on for years now 🙂 so it’s not an isolated case. You personally too, have such a unique way of looking at the unconscious world,because of your own very singular experiences in it, hovering on the edge of oblivion, and then coming back with a perspective that few of us will ever have.
      Yes, I too see a warning in this dream, and you might be right, much of it is just straightforward future telling, well, one of the many possible futures out there. I know that consciously I do of course worry about the Middle East, and my fears as expressed in the reset part, are actually WILL never be the same. It’s been irrevocably changed. I decided to title it cat parade, out of all of the images in the poem, a bunch of cats parading would be “too good to be true.” I would expect them to be getting hung up on anything, and not moving forward very noticeably..spreading out in all directions and basically a disaster as far as parades go (“like herding cats”) Sometimes I think the world is also parading in this manner. It seems everywhere you look, something else is out of line out of harmony..and if we are moving forward, it’s not towards a bright future. I agree, that our connecting to each other, bypassing frontiers and borders, one on one is the best cure for this madness.Thank you Ron for doing that with me and for this amazing comment! It got me thinking all over again about it!!


  4. Shesa says:

    Geez… I’m afraid I didn’t see anything as profound as Ron did. I’m pretty sure the announcement on your smartphone was telling you that your sim was rebooting. Don’t worry sweetheart… the cats and the Middle East will rez just fine once it comes back up. You can wake up now…. its a beautiful day. ;o)


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