En La Cima (On Top)

En La Cima

En la cima..solamente hay campo para uno.
Alguien llegará atrás de ti..y lo hará mejor,
o será mas nuevo, mas guapo, mas fuerte o será mas encantador.
Un día montas un toro por 64 segundos!
Muy bien lo haces, y tu nombre está escrito:
“Campeón de Todos Los Jinetes de Toros.”
Pero no dura mucho…..
Otro día, llega alguien nuevo y monta por 100 segundos
y tu, te resbalas hasta segundo lugar.
Ya no eres el campeón,

ni lo mejor, ni estás en la cima.
En unas semanas llega uno nuevo….
Él sorprende todos, con sus 120 segundos encima de un toro bravíssimo!
La gente se vuelve loca hablando de que chuzo de hombre es este!!
Ahora él está en la cima..y tu resbalas al tercer lugar…
Así va.. con mas competición, mas hombres fuertes, mas hombres encantadores, mas hombres capaces y hermosos…
hasta que te vas resbalando, tan abajo, que tu nombre, ya no está, ni siquiera en el marcador, ni la gente recuerde de ti, ni tus hazañas, ni de tu amabilidad, ni tu entrega.
Que duro es este juego!…Este deporte, que duro la realidad muy real que….
En la cima..solamente hay campo para uno.

Karima Hoisan
7 de Junio, 2019
LINC Island SL


(My Translation to English)

On Top

On top … there’s only room for one.
Someone will come behind you … and will do it better,
or will be newer, more handsome, stronger or more charming.
One day you ride a bull for 64 seconds!
You do it very well, and your name is written:
“Champion of All Bull Riders.”
But it does not last long …
Another day, someone new arrives and rides for 100 seconds and you… you slip down into second place.
You are no longer the champion, nor the best, nor are you at the top.
In a few weeks a new one arrives ….
He surprises everyone with his 120 seconds on top of a very mean bull!
People go crazy talking about what a man this is!
Now he’s on top … and you slip into third place.
So it goes … with more competition, more strong men, more charming men, more capable and beautiful men …
until you slip, so low, that your name is gone, not even on the scoreboard, or people don’t remember you, your deeds, or your kindness, or your devotion.
How hard this game! … This sport; how hard the very real  reality that ….
On top … there’s only room for one.

Karima Hoisan
7 de Junio, 2019
LINC Island SL


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16 Responses to En La Cima (On Top)

  1. There are many different bull rides in this life:) Written in Spanish first, then translated to English

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joey says:

    *shivers now*


    Liked by 1 person

  3. A great way of writing about how we fall in life we all have our bulls to master some obstacles more difficult than others. Other people seem to find it easy purely they have put more effort in learning. Love this Karima.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karima, you’re a most gifted writer…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Do what never was done before. Be the first! Thats what makes you famous forever.
    But, but what if there is no chance to be the first?
    Go ahead and brake the record and you will get your 15 minutes of fame.
    But then another one breaks your record.
    Like in the Golden Age of Flight.
    In 1915 Katherine Stinson, the “Flying Schoolgirl”, was the first woman who loop the loop.
    In 1920 Laura Bromwell set the world record of loop the loops for women with 87 in 75 minutes.
    in 1921 she extended her record to 199 loops in 80 minutes.
    The “rebel of the sky” french pilot Adrienne Bolland set it to 212 loops in 75 minutes in 1924.
    What made headlines all over the world in 1924 is mostly forgotten, but a the time it was the “Wow!”
    That is the life.
    Its an eternal circle.

    But the Rebel of the sky wouldnt be a rebel without saying that of her first, 50 years ago (First woman to fly over the andes in 1921): “timately, it doesn’t interest me. I’m much more interested in what’s happening now than 50 years ago”.
    I think thats the essence. Dont sit down and think to much of the glorious past.
    Look out and see what life has to offer now!

    Big Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Natskers..you choose a perfect example about how one moment of glory, can turn into the forgotten link of someone new’s success that came after:) I loved this comment…my little Aviatrix:):)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hoyt Heron says:

    Y la vida es como montar toros mi Ruca. Me encanta este poema!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you Hoyt!! I miss your comments..so nice to get this one!!


  8. Karima, you have an all encompassing, energetic, enthralling blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

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