Be a Leaf

Artist Thomas Thiemeyer – The Road to Samarkand Attribute

Be a Leaf

for Sabiscuit

…and the melody carries you away…
let it take you..take you into your mind,
the thoughts you have yet to imagine
thoughts you have not even had time to think.

The melody is the river, the breeze,
the unexpected transport that lands at your feet.
Jump on..surrender, board this boat fearlessly.
This melody is not here to drown you
nor carry you to falls of death nor boulders
that block your path and surround you.
You are not allowed to stagnate on shore;
don’t be a a leaf and it will take you…
down down downstream, all the way
to your poetry.

Muse at the helm,
her wild hair whipping the breeze…
you but the passenger humbled on your knees.
Watch it all as it passes by.
There’s a feeling in the air; you feel an ache inside.
It feels so good..a sweet urgency,
to say something anything, as that desire expands,
dip your hand in the water and the first line touches you..
There it comes; there it is; drink it off your finger tips,
Look, the muse is smiling.

Now you can just close your eyes,
That paralysis stays far behind you…
and you are signing your name
to a poem born today…while floating on a river;
it is delivered from you, to you…
What have you done to deserve this?
Nothing at all but enjoy the ride,
So, smile at your muse;
give credit where credit’s due
and say, “Thank you.”

Karima Hoisan
September 1, 2020
Costa Rica

Don’t be fooled by the title..this is 1 hour of looping magical transport..try it:)

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24 Responses to Be a Leaf

  1. daleinnis says:

    Very cool! It’s fascinating to see writing about the process of writing, especially when it’s a an exchange. I feel like I’m eavesdropping on a conversation between muses. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much Dale..oddly enough I was just listening to this piece again,(I hadn’t for awhile) and this little poem for a fellow poet was even surprised me:)

      Liked by 1 person

    • I talk a lot about the muse..because, the muse keeps me creative. I understand it is, of course, a part of me, an intuitive part that houses my creativity, but as anyone who creates knows, is not so easily summoned when you need it. You need to woo it at times, and one of the ways is concentrating your attention with music. You can’t just call the muse and expect it (her..I like her) to come in the front door…generally she will come in the back..when you have taken that attention off of her..Shy and capricious, this part of our own minds is still a mystery. Exactly how our creative brain functions is still not totally known.. but little by little we can learn how to let go, until she decides to take over. This subject is so interesting to me, as you know Dale. I think I have a particularly romantic relationship with mine, that far from narcissism, feels more like love and gratitude:)

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Toni Maira says:

    One of my favorites!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ahh yes Toni..this music inspired my poem for you..Who Makes the Magic? and the answer was.. we did…in our time:):) We so did..horseback riding behind the Hollywood sign midnight hour…unforgettable…just like you dear friend. Thank you for dropping by


  3. So beautifully penned 🌺✨

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sabiscuit says:

    Thank you for writing this, Karima. I never thought of the process like that before. It was simply “don’t think” for me. The “looping transport protocol” worked. After looping music in my mind, I realised I was staring at the wrong wall of text. So I searched for another and … after much polishing … you’ll see it next week. Hope you like it.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My pleasure truly…I too have had helpers along the way:)


  6. This is so beautiful I could see feel and smell this poem of yours, starting by standing on the leaf as it swirls and drifts to the river. Sat on the leaf with my muses either side we float along the river of dreams. It was so good to just be at one with nature. Bless you Karima

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you so much Nanette..I love your descriptions and your feeling riding along on this river of creativity…The boulders stay on shore…the leaves live the full journey..Bless you for your support and your understanding of my poetry:)


  8. Sang says:

    This melody is not here to drown you
    nor carry you to falls of death nor boulders
    that block your path and surround you.
    You are not allowed to stagnate on shore;
    don’t be a a leaf and it will take you…
    down down downstream, all the way
    to your poetry.

    Great words..rabbit

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hoyt says:

    Thank you! The journey sounds enticing Ruca. And that Muse with her wild hair blowing in the breeze and that smile sounds like somebody I know.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Joel Abakah says:

    “don’t be a a leaf and it will take you…
    down down downstream, all the way
    to your poetry.”…. I love this part.
    That line teaches me to not be stiff, but rather to let go and feel light, not heavy in mind, and simply allow myself to move in the direction on my inner voice.

    Lovely poetry, Karima❤

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Beatitudes – Sabiscuit's Catalog

  12. I have nominated you for the Ideal Sunshine Blogger Award

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