The Bloom of Life


Photo by Poétt

The bloom of Life..
Like candles waiting to be lit…
the months and years stand in the wings,
a candelabra, a song about to sing,
a page being turned,
and then…an opening!

Karima Hoisan
July, 10, 2016
Costa Rica

*Inspired by a flower in my yard

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9 Responses to The Bloom of Life

  1. daleinnis says:

    Lovely plant, lovely poem! 🙂


  2. ronald174 says:

    The long game of the Godforce is at work here. All life seems to be impregnated with a will, a “pushing” to grow and bloom. Everything is driven to have it’s day in the sunshine, I think. It is hardwired, if you will. This is the essence of the life force at work. When we look at the gorgeous and magical flower bursting forth….we are watching God. This is the engine that powers the whole Universe. It is awe inspiring, astonishing and inspires creative ones to sing and write. That is magic!


    • Yes Ronald! I agree this IS the magic…hard to put into words sometimes, but oh yes, we know it..when we see it:) Thank you so much, for sharing your words and insights.. yes hard to resist such inspirational temptations like this flower in bloom…


  3. menubar says:

    When you travel to other planets, you have to be careful not to bring back spores and stuff on your shoes.


  4. Hoyt Heron says:

    You always find your poems in new places. I so wish I could do what you do! I’m always in awe!
    A beautiful, short, but powerful piece. A writer’s dream.


  5. Shesa says:

    After reading Menubar’s and Ron’s responses, I am struck with the notion that we each get to take, from your words, our own level of profoundness (hope that’s a word). It is short and oh so sweet, and in being so, we can only guess at the depth of your thoughts at the moment the words formed in your mind. How beautiful is THAT!!! A poem that is what we need it to be… either simple and beautiful, or profound and wonderful. ;o)

    Hugs sweetheart! Thank you for sharing it with us.


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