The Possessive

I am

Yes, I am The Possessive

The Possessive

Because you are so many different things
I can share some of you
with another few…
I can learn to return
to the law of the playground,
and break my cookie in three,

But you must know that some things
can’t be shared
or broken into parts.
A kaleidoscope looks enchanting
but it’s really broken glass
some details casually shared,
will break
and ink gets blurred;
it all gets smeared
Oh this is not a looking glass
it’s real and we could be the smashed.

Yes I am the possessive,
but my obsession
travels light,
a ballet dancer on point spinning like
a lighthouse in your night
All I want to do is fall in deep.
I am that bit inside that calls to you
from down a tunnel in your dreams.
I see what’s fallen to the bottom,
and bring it up for us to play and see.
I coax and order, I stomp and croon
Looking down upon your crown
Is where I feel I’m me.

A script that’s being written
and the ink
is never dry,
a courageous choice,
a foolish step,
I am all of that.
So I will share some parts of you
with the worthy and the true,
I will be a generous giver,
humble teacher, flowing river,
but I will be a storm for disrespect
the coldest wind that blows along your shore.

Your protector and possessor,
is love not a crazy state?
It’s full of prancing folly picking up its’ feet
and makes us slaves and owners
and who knows who is in charge?
It’s hard to rip out a brand new rib,
that will be served on someone else’s plate.
Yet love, will makes us offer- up and donate.

I am the possessive, like a song that takes you over
I’m a subtle jail of memories, the door wide open.

Karima Hoisan
April 6th 2013
Costa Rica

Footnote. This beautiful painting is by my RL friend Jan Betts, entitled “Dissolving and Becoming”
You can check out her website in my Blogroll.

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12 Responses to The Possessive

  1. menubar says:

    An amazing work of art, and a great interpretation of it. Does Jan have more of her stuff online?


    • Hi Menubar…so nice to see my Buddy on my blog:) Yes, this is a very special painting, and like all of Jan’s I get to be a witness to each of her creations, from the first stages to the signing.(Lucky me!!) Her blog can be found here and I recommend a leisurely browse through both her virtual gallery, and her retrospective one. Thanks so much for leaving your comment:)


  2. daleinnis says:

    So very evocative! Ripping out a brand-new rib, shudder… full of pain and potential. I think my favorite line is the last; that jail with the door wide open…


    • I like that image too..a figure heading into it:) I think Jan’s comment is so beautifully right on..and like the painting, it is all about dissolving and becoming, shifting, changing, vulnerability, and openness…What a ride!


  3. jan betts says:

    Ahhh… another journey inside the ever intriguing realm of shared intimate love… all that comes up as we melt into the heart of another… possess and allow… balance of play so that it doesn’t go stale, or become painful or muddy… passion, tenderness and openness, so vulnerable. Price paid to enter this garden. This poem is so genuine and eloquently given to us, from such a rich and wildly creative and deeply loving heart of Karima…
    So interesting to read this poem with my painting!!! Looking at this image can evoke many images and feelings on many dimensions…or so it does for me… but it is always about things in morphing movement… the cosmic fluids mixing and becoming and dissolving to become again. And it can be Divine and superb…. it can carry deep meaning or little…. we accept and we enter the arena… and then we experience what becomes into being when the juices of two meet and mingle…. how it morphs… The movement and the effervescence of Karima floods all her poetry and for sure i can say she never goes stale!!! Ever.


  4. Oh Jan, your comments never fail to delight! I was re-reading yours about The Colored Dreams, almost two years before, and they were always felt by me to be such in-depth looks into my own creativity. Does it take an artist to really see an artist? I think on some levels it does. I love this comment, first because the Artist is speaking to us, from within her painting, and the painting and the poem meet in time and space briefly and become one. So many interpretations to this one, and you know all that I saw from the beginning as you were birthing it.The part that always struck me from the beginning, were the hands, the pointing-the way-finger and the passive graceful bent wrist..oh my that is so evocative to me. The take charg…the wait and accept..that we are constantly morphing between. The ambiguous genderless figure,beyond labeling, is also so powerful to me personally. You know me…you have known me for a million years (seems like that sometimes) and your faith in my ability to just keep riding that creative wave, and not going stale,gives me such a push to let go and do it! Thank you my dear dear Jan..Hugs


  5. Spiral Silverstar says:

    This is wonderful, Karima! So evocative and filled with images. And, after hearing you read so many of your poems, I can automatically imagine Your voice reading it for us. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Hi Spiral, thank you so much, and great to see you at my last reading too.That was such a pleasant surprise..Glad you like this one.. and stopped by to let me know:)


  7. Steve Rogers says:

    I’m finding this one hard to understand… perhaps our way of relating is very different. But it didn’t bring out an empathetic feeling, as many of your poems do.


  8. Smiles…so many ways of seeing it and also so many types of relating:) I think empathy might be hard for you on this one


  9. Hoyt Heron says:

    Jan and Karima team up for yet another piece of artistic genius using two genres. There must be something in the water from their region of the world, because the creativity of these two is off the grid. Each time I read the poem or look at the painting I come across different nuances. I was told their was nothing cryptic about either, but great artists seem to always use this ploy. So Jan…I have stood your painting on end left to right, right to left, upside down, and even tried to look at it from the back in search of hidden translations. And Karima…I have read your poem from top to bottom, bottom to top, scrambled the words, even recited and played them backwards (John Lennon would be proud). Am I searching for a treasure that does not exist? I think not. Shall I continue with my venture until the secrets are disclosed? I have not tried looking at your grand works while under the influence of the mind expanding Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. At this point in time I think I will put that idea on hold, and simply enjoy your beautiful art and beautiful writing on the surface, and say thank you to both of you for your fine work.


  10. Wow were “tripping without need of buying the ticket” smiling…I love how your head goes flying and how you do suspect both Jan and I work for (probably) alien forces and these are cryptic messages we are sending to our superiors out there….I love and have thought so much in my SL years of the subtle play of attitudes and power exchanges that can be experienced here..How to be possessive and generous, giving and taking, invincible and weak all at the same time. Jan’s painting has always represented this for me; so I teamed us up on this one:) Her painting stands alone without my or anyone’s interpretation, and my poem is my musings on this dichotomy of attitude and the ephemeral undefinable… neophiles fresh from Creation’s womb.


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