


What’s flying around in your head today,
Clear open skies or fog?
So hard to tell from staring into your eyes..
They say, the eyes are the doorway to the soul,
but yours are more the gatekeeper, the keep-out sign.

I feel like a biologist in exploration, an intrepid diver.
If I reach your depths, will I know anything more?
Maybe your deep parts don’t exist and I just hope they do.
So I try to peer into your murky shallows, your tide pools,
watch boring colorless fish and not make waves, or kick up the sand.

Have I just fabricated you, molded you into an image that I love?
One that is an enigma, promising treasure if I don’t give up?
Is the real you much less than the coat of brilliance I apply?
The sulky aloofness, is not in you, but in the wish of my own eyes.
I walk around a closed statue, that gives not a hint and says, “Sold”

Who bought you before me? Did someone find you, then walk away?
Your past is a library of unopened books, a dusty trail to nowhere.
That is where I will wind up too, if I don’t just walk away from you.
The mystery man, I have written into being, is something less than reality
I really don’t care what is flying in your head, I think it does not include me.

Karima Hoisan
Sept. 24th 2020
Costa Rica

(en Español)


¿Qué está volando por la cabeza hoy?
¿Cielos despejados o niebla?
Tan difícil de decir por mirarte a los ojos …
Dicen que los ojos son la puerta del alma
pero los tuyos son más el portero, el rótulo que no hay paso.

Me siento un biólogo en exploración, un buceador intrépido.
Si llego a tus profundidades, ¿sabré algo más?
Quizás tus partes profundas no existan y solo espero que sí.
Así que trato de mirar en tus turbios bajíos, tus charcos de marea
de aburridos peces incolorosos y no hacer olas, ni patear la arena.

¿Te acabo de fabricar, te moldeé en una imagen que amo?
¿Uno que es un enigma, un tesoro prometedor si no me rindo?
¿El verdadero tú es mucho menor que la capa de brillo que aplico?
La indiferencia misteriosa no está en ti, sino en el deseo de mis propios ojos.
Camino alrededor de una estatua cerrada, que no da una pista y dice “Vendido”

¿Quién te compró antes que yo? ¿Alguien te encontró y luego se fue?
Tu pasado es una biblioteca de libros sin abrir, un camino polvoriento hacia ninguna parte.
Ahí es donde terminaré yo también, si no me alejo de ti.
El hombre impenetrable, he escrito en existencia, es algo menos que la realidad.
Realmente no me importa lo que esté volando en tu cabeza, pienso que no me incluye a mí.

Karima Hoisan
24 de septiembre de 2020
Costa Rica

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14 Responses to Enigmatic

  1. daleinnis says:

    Another personal-but-universal insight! We’ve all wondered at least once if the person whose depths we’d like to explore might really not have any. Wonderful phrasing!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Dale for your comment! Yes, I feel we humans might have encountered someone like this in the past..an almost blank canvas, upon which we paint an unrealistic image:) Usually, that only happens once:)


  2. Hoyt says:

    How often we have run across this mysterious person that as you say, fabricated, molded. Is a promising treasure if not given up on. As always your work paints a picture of a place we’ve been, but have not been able to capture the essence.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Samreen Asad says:

    Lovely post Karima!! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Jeff Flesch says:

    WOW, Karima. Your use of language in the production of very specific imagery is, well, amazing. Period. I LOVE this poem.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why thank you so much Jeff. People have asked me, if this poem is about someone in particular, and honestly it is not..but if we have lived a few extra decades, we probably have run into him or her sometime in our life..I did:) a long time ago..Your exuberance for my writing, is very encouraging to me.. Thank you again for this comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jeff Flesch says:

    Understood, and agreed. Exuberant, yes, I do love your writing. 🙂 Am glad it is encouraging, and I appreciate you for sharing your writing with all of us. You’re welcome.

    Liked by 1 person

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