Paper Thin

fleeting moment_by_sugarmints-dairzr5

Fleeting Moment by Sugar Mints-DeviantArt

Paper thin, I’m barely here, and you no longer see me.
The night breathes in and out, out and in, with windows open wide,
just an alien, walking through a rational land; it’s getting lonely.

Those who glow seem far away, while darkness holds me close.
I remember all the voices, how we bent as one, falling to our knees,
hospitable and always generous, food cascading from our hands.

My home planet, circles another sun, a trillion billion miles from here
order and chaos alternately reign, and yet we know the Love.
The last time I departed, I knew it would be a lifetime to return.

Paper thin and light as air, I miss the other ones who float like me.
I get lost in all those memories, all those rituals, traditions and epiphanies,
waking before the dawn, knowing there is something that listens… when I say thank you.

Karima Hoisan
June 9, 2017
Costa Rica

Listen to it, with the music that inspired it, recited live at a reading:  Click here

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12 Responses to Paper Thin

  1. daleinnis says:

    Lovely and evocative and sad. Always amazing that you can express something so unique and personal, in a way that touches something in everyone that reads it…


  2. Emotional text…. recognisable experience.


  3. ronald174 says:

    Truly lovely and sad. Great description! Many of us feel like fragile dandelion wisps carried on the breeze. So many now uprooted and homeless-escaping 1/2 hour ahead of destruction. Waving goodbye to a history with friends and the religious center of one’s world. Many sail away for many reasons. But-always it is hard and implies lost security and friendship. Floating bits of paper sailing this way and that. My own happy memories are rooted far away from here and too long ago. Yet not as far as yours. I cannot imagine the pain of disconnection and loss of comrades. Loss of the world that painted beauty for you. That fed you and taught you and filled all needs. That is a tough hole to fill. Such is the nature of chaos and change. You paint this in such a painfully eloquent way.


    • Oh Ron, thank you for your words..once again so generous in your comment. I think at times we can all feel like outsiders, even in our own country, or even in our own family, but in those special times, when people unite to celebrate together, it is felt even more acutely. I think in some ways we can all be aliens, and as a friend pointed out to me, being rational in these irrational times is also very alienating:) I know you enjoy my creative process…Here is the song, I played over and over in a loop, until the poem was born:) Enjoy Ron and thank you again for your insightful words.
      [audio src="" /]


  4. Ah the achingly beautiful echos of lives and memories from ancient soul space to our own eye blink of a lifetime. Beautiful words K.


  5. Scottius says:

    A powerful one, Karima…really like how it shows how life (and the lives in it) is both ephemeral and eternal, coexisting side by side. The artwork is beautiful and fitting as well!


    • My dear friend, what a lovely surprise to find your comment here. You have been very missed! Yes, I really like that image too…I have used others by her…they connect with my poetry.Yes the ephemeral and the eternal….and we are all somewhere in between:)


  6. Hoyt Heron says:

    “how we bent as one, falling to our knees,
    hospitable and always generous, food cascading from our hands…..”
    You…and only you, my dear friend, could come up with a line like that! A very powerful piece Ruca!


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