Karima Reads Her Poetry@Circe’s Saturday-Nov. 28th-6pm SLT

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Hi everyone,
I will be reading at Circe’s New Poets Sanctuary, this coming Saturday at 6 pm SLT.
It’s been over a year since I read there, as you might recall I was a vampire last time:)
 See Post 
I am really looking forward to being back and I have been a busy bee poet in lock-down,
so I have all new, never- performed -in- public, poems to share with you all, plus..lots of great music behind, as I stream for an hour at the relaxing venue at Circe’s.

Please join me and I promise to give you an entertaining hour of all originals, set to awesome music, that I have been hand picking for months.
Here’s your Virtual taxi to whisk you to a toadstool: Landmark for Circe’s
If you are a WordPress friend and don’t feel like the idea of making an avatar and going virtual, please send me a  comment and I will let you know, how you can hear it live as a podcast on your web browser in the comfort of your real life:)

For those of you in-world, come early at 5pm SLT to hear and be part of the Open Mic section, where you can read one of your own. I am the featured poet and will begin at 6pm sharp! I am really looking forward to being back!
Join me! I would love to see you there.
*Note…SLT is the same time as, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)


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10 Responses to Karima Reads Her Poetry@Circe’s Saturday-Nov. 28th-6pm SLT

  1. Thank you Ben. I know that is a bad time for you, but I will be putting up the recording afterwards, if you are curious as to what I do:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Diana says:

    Hey dear… This sounds lovely. How can I hear you, do send me the link of your recording. I would love to listen in, Habibti.. ❤️❤️💐😊


  3. Hi Diana, sure you can try to listen in here: https://gclef320k.online:2000/public/server43as21 I have the stream (just music) up if you want to test. If you can hear the music now, then listen Saturday Nov.28th 6pm Pacific time and you will hear the reading live. If you tell me this works for you..I will give you a shout out when I begin:) If you can’t I will post the recording here so you can listen to it anytime:) Let me know if you can hear the music on my server now please:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awww sorry to hear that, but I only put it on for three hours after I got your comment so it could be that. In any case I will make a recording and post it the next day. Thank you so much for your interest Diana…so supportive! 🌺🌈🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Diana says:

    Oh thank you my dear… Please do… I really want to listen… 🌹🌹💐🤗🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Samreen Asad says:

    Good to hear that Karima, do share the link, it would be a pleasure to hear your voice, which I sooo love. ❤️❤️❤️


  7. Aww thank you habibiti..I will post it the next day and I do hope you enjoy hearing one of my readings…and so happy and honored you feel that way about my voice:)(blushes) I’m already starting to get stage fright..Giving a virtual reading is just as nerve- inducing as in real life..believe. I have been doing these for…thinks..11 years , but it still gives me stage fright. The nice thing is..as soon as I open my mouth and all is working..it goes away..Big Hugs my sister ❤️🌺🌸


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