The Two – Chapter Eleven – A Narrated Machinima Story

 Well, here we are on Chapter Eleven and I am so happy to share it with you all. I have a fond place in my heart for this one on several levels, the first being how much a new painting from my real life artist friend, Jan Betts, entitled “Fertilization” has sparked my creativity in the writing and the filming of this episode. Interestingly enough, I have known her almost all my life and have loved and bought her art, but just recently, since I have been in SL these last years, creating poetry and writing on my blog for ten months, have we started to inspire each other, without even trying. You can see her art on her website JanBetts Art and this latest painting with comments on its creation on the link above under its name. You will see this magic image briefly in the video, but know that her texture was also used to “clothe” one of the principal characters. The music that I wrote for this one, I used only one basic loop track and then added the other instruments, flutes, strings, organ and “odd alien beeps” myself. I will say it again, “Garage Band” has changed my life, and made it possible to write the soundtrack for all of these chapters, something I would not have dreamed possible a few months ago. So not to give out any spoilers, I invite you to enjoy this latest, and  just say “Yes, there are a few more to come. This is not the end.” For those of you coming upon my blog and this video series for the first time, I have made a category here called “The Two” where you can find them all, and for easy reference and playing them through in order, I have a playlist list called,   “The Two” on YouTube.
With this Chapter Eleven, there is a little over an hour of viewing time to see the whole story up to this point. As always, it is uploaded in Full Quality, so you can see it well in full-screen. I hope you like the latest episode of “The Two” and any comments are very much appreciated.

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11 Responses to The Two – Chapter Eleven – A Narrated Machinima Story

  1. Emperor Nobilis says:

    Superb Karima….no spoilers but this is a very moving episode. Glad to hear its not the end yet….
    Anyway, great work as ever ! Thankyou for sharing all of this with us.


    • Thank you Emperor, for following my series, and I am pleased that you like where it is going..I’m glad I can keep your interest up to now….It’s my pleasure to create these and yes it’s about sharing. That’s what makes it all worth it


  2. jan says:

    Oh Karima. Well…again i am nearly speechless. For one thing…your use of my recent painting in this chapter blew me away!! Wow! This painting is taking on a life, and having a spectacular journey!! The visuals and movement you are creating with machinima are just beautiful…you are developing your multi-media crafts so quickly that is an inspiration to watch and enjoy!!! Thank you so much for honoring my painting in this way!
    And oh my, the story takes a turn!!
    Both Karimas say “no”.
    Well…i am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. I have followed this story all through The Colored Dream Series, into The Two…and so i am very into it!!! This Intimate is quite the magnificent mysterious being…from another world….who found love in this one, lost her, and created his daughter in loving memory of all the beautiful qualities he remembers of his love, the first Karima. I am fascinated to follow you to the “end” of this story!!! Just being witness to it i am deeply touched by it….and wondering how The Intimate will resolve this situation, ….how great of a soul is he? And i feel for all the Karima’s in the story, their youth, innocence…their intuitive connection…the situation The Intimate has placed them in…..their decision…the results,,,,and,what kind of souls are they? This story goes deep.


    • What a difficult situation our protagonists find themselves in!! I feel a bit sad for them all..but I have hope there might be a resolving for them in the end.. Anyway, this has been quite a wonderful experience for me too and I love when those who are watching them let me know what they are thinking, their own plot ideas as to where it could end up. Your painting wrote this chapter..that’s how it was for me, and yes I share your empathy and your concern for their “future.” Stay tuned my dear friend,,and once again big thank-yous for your beautiful comments, and impressions..They are like the desert of each plate I set out for the enjoyment of those who wish to “eat” the small meals I serve up here:):) Your desert comes last, and is always a treat:)


  3. Hoyt Heron says:

    Your voice, music, and Jans painting dominated this one. It had that…”On the edge of your seat ambiance.” Even if one had not been privy to the previous chapters your voice and music created a sense of desperation. I swell with pride at the thought of your creative endowments.


  4. OH Hoyt, partial but very appreciated..:) I am thrilled you are so into my series, and that each chapter brings you delight and “ganas” to see more..I did like the music in this one too..It just came together well.Yes you are right, there is a sense of desperation in all the voices ..but maybe a few more twists to come…:). Gracias ruco por tu comentario:)


  5. joyce says:

    I felt the desperation! Bravo, Karima!


  6. Thank you for leaving your comment joyce.. I am glad you are “emotionally involved now: too:)


  7. Pingback: The Two – Chapter Twelve – A Narrated Machinima Story | Digital Rabbit Hole

  8. Ron/Tubeguy says:

    Such beautiful work! Jan Bett’s art is integral to this and next stories. A powerful fusion. The graphics are stunning! this will set the stage for future and even more powerful collaborations.The interplay of music and story is very nice. Your work is getting so complex! My next take is almost one of embarassment. You draw us into your personal world so accutely that I felt like an intruder or voyeur. The RL pain is too personal to comment on. But you show huge courage to explore this arena. In an artful, creative and generous way. We are allowed to participate in a very personal journey. For any who missed it-much of this is closer to truth than the (seeming) actual events. You allow us into a private place of your own grief. A very personal, private place.

    Another level these stories operate at is this I think: I know I am treading on tricky ground here. But I really feel in many ways your stories evolve the teachings of the Prophet to current and future. You might not see this-but it is a truth. Truth is a dynamic and ever evolving thing. You are raising the frequency and resonance of some ancient teachings. Of love, commitment, of family, of connection. Of dedication to loved ones. To beauty. To the recognition of the sanctity and painfulness of physical life. To trust. To the dificult work of honest and loving relationships between all ones. You may not have meant to operate here….but you are evolving and exposing some ancient truths about life and God. About our commitment to help and protect each other and our families. Our friends. All that matter in this life. You are truly blessed.



  9. Oh Tube frustrating, I replied to this beautiful comment last night and just as I was about to send it, I somehow, someway erased it forever. I always think the second time around might not be as well expressed, but first I do want you to know, how much I appreciate all your insightful comments. You reach into levels of my work, that many don’t see, and I always love to read them and respond to them. I think you might be right on many levels of your astute observing of my tale, the personal part and also (and totally unconscious by the way) maybe some subtle teachings that I grew up with. It’s hard to escape from ourselves when we are creating a work of fiction, as although maybe very subtly we form part of the characters, whether we mean to or not. I just love knowing that people who have followed my series, can and do find in my “fiction” some parts that they too strongly can relate to; loss, hard decisions, being haunted by the past, all very human conditions we share on this planet. So once again, thank you for being a fellow journeyman all through my plots that began in “The Colored Dreams” and twisted and turned until it reached this point in “The Two.” Your unique voice and feedback have always been so awaited and appreciated by me Tube. Thank you once again..


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