My poem is like my lover…

My poem

My poem is like my lover…

My poem is like my lover…

My poem is like my lover
locked in a back room.
How can I leave it dangling,
in such a state?

Nothing can be more important
than to ride it to a finish.

This gnawing image of my lover,
sighing for my return

makes me drop everything else,
cut conversations short,
put the dog’s walk on hold,
and be moved by its undeniable need,
its passion to be relieved only by me.

Who else could step in at this point?
Who would know the strokes,
the subtle
flowing back and forth?
No one else can dance our dance.
If you don’t believe me, then just try.
Your words would be impostors,
posing as the lover,
and my poem
although in agony,
would know you’re not the one.

I hear my poem calling me,
“Come back to bed, I need you”
So now, I have to go,
and running to our bedroom,

“I’m coming……”

Karima Hoisan
March 28th 2013
LINC Island  SL

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23 Responses to My poem is like my lover…

  1. jan betts says:

    I can so relate to the message of this poem!!! My art is painting, and my paintings are like my lovers for sure. I know your brilliant lovers in your poems, always touching deeply all you read/listen…. so your poems are not only your lovers, they make love to we who read them… and so many inspired faces of love bring us alive with your passion!!! As always, thank you Karima… you are a many faceted and rich lover!!!


  2. Big smiles Jan, and I kind of thought you might relate to this one too.. I was really feeling this today, with a poem I had begun last night. I was trying to get back to it all morning and I had interruption after interruption.. and I understood that this was how I was the poem needed me as much as I needed to get back to it!..was a funny realization..and yes it felt like “that” kind of frustrating scene one might have with a lover tucked away..Aww and thank you Jan for your beautiful words..the muse has been bouncing off extremes lately:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like the poem and the point of view and all the pictures your words create. The relationship between me and a video/movie is a bit different 🙂
    But ( yes, a butt instead of an eeehm;)) for me, the key of your poem lies in this line:
    No one else can dance our dance.
    Describes all in just one sentence. The whole poem has a bit of spring fever, or as we say in German “Schmetterlinge im Bauch”. And because of that I love it!


    • Aww what a cool comment..and yes I agree Nat, that line “No one else can dance our dance” Is the pivot of the whole idea. I could never finish your movie..nor you mine..but what we have proven (9 times now) is that we can work together…but your creations are most definitely yours !! Spring fever is in the air:):) I bet you will welcome that season with open arms:)


  4. Spiral Silverstar says:



  5. RAG says:

    Your passions know no bounds as we can clearly see. And you cause us to reflect on our own poems and passions. What a wonderful gift you have and give. Back to my mesh now, i hear her calling…..


  6. daleinnis says:

    A wonderful and (what?) innocently erotic description of the process. I will never look at scripting in quite the same way again / grin.


  7. Laughs with Dale’s grin, ah yes.. very appropriate for scripting too but Nat and I delved into that sensual platform a few months back. So glad you enjoyed it!


  8. Oh MY! I so envy that *feeling*… it comes and goes for us average folks (smiles), but I get the sense that you are so engaged with your ‘lover’ that being apart is not even an option because… you are *one*. Brilliant as always, strikes a deep chord. Bravo!


    • Love that line Diz, ” that being apart is not even an option” Yes it seems like that sometimes…and let’s face it..all passions are demanding… but if we can feel that passionate for them, it’s because they are satisfying too:) Hugs Sis always so wonderful to connect with you!!


  9. Scottius says:

    Karima, what a great metaphor…when one’s passion calls, its hard to do anything else, because it’s at those moments when it is really creating itself, using the artist/poet/musician/etc. as its conduit.

    Though you haven’t met one of my dogs…she can be as persistent as the “muse” when it comes to her walks.:)


  10. So funny Scottius..and yes dogs can be sooo persistent too.. but oh my those poems..are persistent and alluring…:)Passion is passion..and is not very polite or logical here:) Thank you for dropping by and leaving your furry(oily) otter wisdom:)


  11. Steve Rogers says:

    I’ve not seen this expressed before and hadn’t thought about my songs having the desire to be finished, but they are so strong in their being while they’re being written. Perhaps to me they’re more like children. A few haven’t grown to maturity, the slower developers, still waiting for completion, whereas others are incredibly precocious, leaping out of the womb fully armed.


  12. Yes, I have those kinds of poems too Steve, that you describe so well; the ones that just jump out of the womb fully formed..gestation time a snap! But then again, some, are lovers, demanding. and satisfying..always worth turning my attention back to:) Thanks for taking the time to leave this great comment, and another very good metaphor on the subject too.


  13. Hoyt Heron says:

    Ohhhhh……Sonrisa de mi alma….These words are amazing! We never know where you will come from. I liken your ability with words with that of a highly skilled boxer. You keep us off balance with complicated and precise footwork, feints, jabs, and combinations. We think we have you figured out, only to be surprised by your cunning, and highly tuned abilities. I feel free to speak for others when I say that your competence and dexterity with expression leave all that are in the ring with you awestruck!


    • Y una gran sonrisa me dió a mí:) I loved your comment, and makes me know I need to never slack off in my “training” too. Your boxing analogy was priceless! Hoyt you continue to be my #1 trainer and motivator:) Thank you for always supporting me and my poetry:)


  14. Ah, Karima! You seem to have captured that sense I know so well…the temptation of the pen, the draw of the blank line awaiting my tender touch, my resounding clap! Thank you so much for this…and for all of your work. Brilliant!


  15. Yes Mireille, be it like a lover, or like Steve suggests a child who needs you sometimes, our Art takes over everything else..I am not complaining by the way *smiles.. Thank you for your generous comment and so glad you could relate to it.


  16. Hi Karima, I too can relate to putting life on hold for poetry. Life without poetry, is no life at all. Great poem!

    Liked by 1 person

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