Life in Monochrome


Monochromatic palm leaves and shadow on white backdrop

Life in Monochrome

All we see are the shadows, the projections the sun paints across the world.
Our vision of reality is as pale as tree branches outlined in grey
waving on the walls, just a monochrome of real life .

We think we are seeing; we call it that, but we are the sleeping delusionals
proclaiming we understand the world, the fabric that holds us all together
When most of us have never opened our eyes all the way, wide eyed.

Let yourself stay half asleep on a bright morning inside a forest window pane
Let the ballet begin on your walls your paintings your mirror frame
as wind picks up and colorless leaves shimmer in silver and black across your face

Know that we are only seeing what is here in an inside-out view
The dullness even of the brightest colors we can imagine in our version of the world
are over-shadowed when we learn to turn it all right side up and sample bliss.

And glorious this dance of the branch and flower, the leaf in the breeze!
How we are mesmerized, when a voice tells us there is more than meets the eye…
Look and sway and close them, let it play on our eyelids, until we can perceive.

It is almost enough to bring us to tears, how bound we were and now we’re free…
How far from the truth we were with all our preconceived theories and rationality
Life does seem more worth it, when taking our first steps towards its hidden reality…

Karima Hoisan
June 23rd 2020
Costa Rica


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16 Responses to Life in Monochrome

  1. Katy Claire says:

    So beautiful and true, Karima 💗 So glad I found your work!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Gorgeous work, Karima. I especially like-

    ‘Let yourself stay half asleep on a bright morning inside a forest window pane
Let the ballet begin on your walls your paintings your mirror frame
as wind picks up and colorless leaves shimmer in silver and black across your face’

    The depth to which you write is exquisitely eloquent… each word, each verse intriguingly beautiful; all cascading into the heart and soul of the reader.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Smiles humbly, thank you!


  4. daleinnis says:

    Lovely! A more poetic and lyrical (and hopeful!) take on Plato’s Cave. May we all take our first steps, and continue down that path to the hidden reality.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Born from observation a long time ago..Leaves and trees moving on my walls still inspire me in such a ecstatic way:) Thank you Dale for your comment and for the many times we have discussed this interesting phenomena..a door to mas allá:) Beyond!


  5. Hoyt says:

    I never noticed this before Miss Karima, until you pointed it out years ago. And now….You paint a vivid picture of that phenom.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Stanza two hit me hard, because it reminds me that as much as we know we might just as well know nothing at all. Even when we’re “seeing” we’re just “sleeping delusionals”, viewing something the wrong way and yet calling it right. You’ve brought up such a deep thought here.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have to thank you for devouring my poetry today…:)


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